My Diary is a persoanl blog tool for all users in Fusion. It can be used for learning logs, learning journeys, e-portfolios etc.
Students can (if allowed) share their diary with everyone or teachers only. Users can comment on the diary. By default that is limited to teachers.
To add a diary entry:
- Go to ‘My diary’ OR click on the heading of your ‘My diary’ dashboard panel
- Click ‘Add new’
- Add a title
- Add content for the new diary entry
- To change how the diary is shared click on the Sharing icon
To approve a personal blog or diary entry
- First the student needs to ask for a teacher to approve the diary entry
- The selected teacher will receive a message inviting them to approve the diary entry. (All teachers will have access to the approvals list via the ‘Manage’ button)
- Click to view the diary entry. If you are happy with the diary entry click the green button ‘Approve entry’
To view and comment upon a diary entry
- Browse diaries
- Click to visit and read and add a comment