My diary, personal blog

My Diary is a persoanl blog tool for all users in Fusion. It can be used for learning logs, learning journeys, e-portfolios etc.

Students can (if allowed) share their diary with everyone or teachers only. Users can comment on the diary. By default that is limited to teachers.

To add a diary entry:

  1. Go to ‘My diary’ OR click on the heading of your ‘My diary’ dashboard panel
  2. Click ‘Add new’
  3. Add a title
  4. Add content for the new diary entry
  5. To change how the diary is shared click on the Sharing icon

To approve a personal blog or diary entry

  1. First the student needs to ask for a teacher to approve the diary entry
  2. The selected teacher will receive a message inviting them to approve the diary entry. (All teachers will have access to the approvals list via the ‘Manage’ button)
  3. Click to view the diary entry. If you are happy with the diary entry click the green button ‘Approve entry’

To view and comment upon a diary entry

  1. Browse diaries
  2. Click to visit and read and add a comment


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